Michael Simpson a descendent of William Kirby Hart 1873 - 1920 gave us this poem and has given permission for it to be reproduced here.
W K Hart was a cab driver going between Guildford, Pirbright Camp and Brookwood, he lived at 2 Victoria Cottages, Goal Road, Pirbright.
Written by W Hart
In memory of those he loved, and the Village where he lived for a good many years,
whilst waiting in hospital for the "Last Roll Call"
Good-bye to dear old Pirbright,
And all I hold so dear ,
I love that dear old village,
With all its happy cheer.
The boys upon the village green -
To watch them all at play:
It's hard to leave it all so soon,
"But God's will must be done."
Many happy days I spent
In that dear old neighbourhood,
And many dear old pals I've met
Who I shall not meet again.
It's hard to leave, again I say,
But pray with me, so I say
In gladness, Lord, come to You
"Thy will be done"
Good-bye, dear old camp,
With its jolly Guardsman too,
Happy days I've had with them,
And drives - ah! just a few.
Also their Lords and Ladies,
Yes, just some of the best,
So many have been called to rest -
"The Lord's will be done"
Good-bye, dear wife and family -
Ah! This is harder still.
Dearest mother, sisters, brothers,
Who have been so kind to me.
Must not forget dear old Alf,
Who always has been true.
I know they have prayed
"For the Lord's will to be done."